Dan Meyer, you beautiful man

I've been devouring Dan Meyer's writing like it's the last slice of pizza at a faculty meeting - insightful, entertaining, and occasionally spicy enough to make you choke on your coffee. Now, while I don't always see eye-to-eye with his AI skepticism (come on, Dan, even Skynet had some good ideas), I can't help but nod along to his latest nugget of wisdom in the Mathworlds newsletter.

Meyer, channeling his inner educational Nostradamus, drops this truth bomb while discussing David Labaree's "Someone Has To Fail":

“You also have to enjoy this madness. You have to imagine yourself happy here. You have to take some pleasure when your work underperforms your expectations because it means you’re going to get into some classrooms, talk to some teachers, watch some students, and if you are very, very lucky, unlearn one more lie you once believed about this work. To do anything less is to blame students for being students and teachers for trying to work within constraints we wouldn’t dream of setting for other professionals like doctors or lawyers.”

He's talking to the edtech wizards and AI alchemists out there, and folks, he's hitting the nail on the head so hard, it's seeing stars.

But wait, there's more! Meyer doesn't stop there. He goes full Gordon Ramsay on edtech celebrities like Sal Khan, roasting their hypocrisy like it's an overcooked mystery meat in the school cafeteria. And let me tell you, I am HERE for it.

So, grab your popcorn and pull up a chair, because this educational showdown is getting good. Meyer's taking names, and he's not afraid to use red ink. Who's next on his hit list? Only time (and the next newsletter) will tell!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​